Jumat, Januari 2

Makes Time as Steward

Frequently in doing everyday activity of we discover statement " ran against time" and or date line. Time impressing elapsed is quicker compared to normal when there are demand to finalize a work. Movement of needle hour(clock becomes thing fearful.

This thing usually is because of has not optimal of management and exploiting of time godsend for us. We all is given [by] resource in the form of time in the same spread, less not not more. But there is between we successful exploits time carefully so that can be succeed and success. But not a few also becoming bull's eye so that often dikejar-kejar by time.

Time was resource that is very worthed distributing it given to be same many for all creatures. To be able to pluck benefit from this resource need to be done good management. The same as to having a piece of farm which will give result if the farm is managed carefully. But if it is let only, area of that will only become derelict land which will not give result of something. Even it is possible that turn into area of stall endangering area. And so it is with time which will bring kemudharatan otherwise is managed truly. Because every time passed to we will be asked responsibility to its(the exploiting.

Problem manages time was problem for many people. As does manages other money or resource, manages time is started by doing specification purpose of life ( Sawitri Supardi Sadarjoen, Psikolog).

To be able to exploit time carefully and makes it as steward in having activity, it is better we start improve;repairs its(the management. There is two basic things which we must assure to management of time. Firstly was position to be more esteems time and treats it as valuable resource. Second is strategy in exploiting it.

Esteems time was mental attitude and life habit. Which this thing can be grown in each people. This thing fully depend on itikat each individual. Man who is esteeming time will not use spare time elapsing off hand without doing useful things. They is conscious fully that time which had elapsed will not regain again. People succeeded hardly esteems time.

Strategy in exploiting time was something hereinafter that need to be studied and application. This thing is habit, can be grown by practicing on it. Butuh effort for extra of course, but remembers advantage which will be got, no wrong of the following in doing.

o Makes purpose of based on time ( expects pendek/jangka length) and priority ( important, less important, not important).

o Lists duty or work which must be finalized.

o Blocks in action every important duty following equipment required.

o co-signature way of doing work effectively and efisian so that exploiting of optimal time.

o Studies theorys that is on the market in management time.

If it is application guaranteed not bakalan dikerjar-kejar time again. The was seabrek time with quality to live it up. Made time as steward because s(he was our, so that time [shall] no longer intimidate every activity which we do. Hopefully useful, especially for ownself.

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